Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fireball seen on 8/8/12 0415 UTC Monitor WA

This was seen from several locations.  Using reports from Creston WA and Monitor WA, I plotted a rough flight path and termination point. Doppler radar painted a return very close to this point at 60,000 feet, interesting for sure.

The time of the event was probably between 2210 2215 MDT time on 8/7/12. The yellow line on the image is a rough flight path from SE to NW.   The blue rectangle is the doppler radar return. The red ones are the azmuiths from the two end points of each observer.

As usual, the elevations from the reports are inacurate, but one observer in Libby MT seems to have made an accurate measurement with elevation angles appropriate for his distance from the event.  The azmuiths of this observer's begin and end point also lines up with those of the other two reports, giving them some support.

Fragmentation was reported by most of the observers.  The one at Monitor reported a delayed boom.  Also, the high altitude winds aloft were from 245T at 73 knts, winds at lower alltitude were minimal.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Another Earthquake in Cleburne

There was another earthquake in cleburne a few days ago.  Everyone is probably getting used to them by now.  Here is a report on gas well drilling and earthquakes in north

I guess the earthquakes aren't a big deal, But I wonder how much water is being depleted from our aquifers due to all the drilling activity.  Here is a map showing the wells in cleburne. The red circles are gas wells.  It's no wonder that there are a few earthquakes in the area.

The gas is down deep below the aquifers, I get that, but what about all those holes drilled though them.  Each pentagon on the map represents two holes in the aquifer,one in the top, and one at the bottom. The source rock for the ground water must be starting to look like swiss cheese.  I guess this is probably not a big deal either.  However, the depletion of water in the aquifers is probably a big deal.   A lot of ground water is being used in fracturing these wells and it's all being pumped out of the aquifers.

Sutter's Mill Doppler Radar Sequence

Monday, July 30, 2012


A nice oriented 5g Mifflin showing roll over around the bottom edge 

the top side